HLTAID012 – Provide First Aid in an Education and care setting
About the Course
This course provides practical training for workers within an education and care setting to respond to first aid emergencies in line with legal and workplace requirements, Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines and other Australian national peak clinical bodies.
It teaches how to identify illness or injury, access emergency services, safely provide first aid treatment using action plans, equipment and resources, for CPR, defibrillation, administering an autoinjector for anaphylaxis, administering asthma medication, immobilisation for envenomation, fractures, dislocations, sprains and strains, for bleeding and shock and other conditions.
You will learn basic anatomy, physiology and the differences between adults, children and infants relating to CPR, managing an infant or child with an acute illness, or who requires an immediate ambulance response and conveying incident details to parents, caregivers and emergency services.
The course covers completing incident documentation and debriefing for improvement of response, recognising psychological impacts, talking with children about their emotions and seeking help as required.
Units Delivered
The following units will be included in your certificate:
HLTAID012 – Provide First Aid in an education and care setting
HLTAID011 – Provide First Aid
HLTAID009 – Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
HLTAID010 – Provide basic emergency life support
Course Delivery
This course can be delivered/assessed in the workplace or at facility organised by the training provider.
More Information:
Course Durations:
Course durations can vary for multiple reasons, so the durations below are the minimum possible amount
Refresher Face to Face contact time of at least 7 Hours
Blended Face to Face contact time of at least 7 Hours
Face-to-Face Face to Face contact time of at least 9 Hours
Online with face-to-face assessment Face to Face contact time of at least 1 Hour
Entry Requirements:
Participants must have the physical capacity to perform the practical demonstrations, such as 2 minutes of uninterrupted CPR on the floor and performing rescue breathing techniques on manikins.
Online study: Students must have access to a computer, smartphone, tablet or other electronic devices with access to the internet to complete the online/ pre-course studies.
Assessment Requirements:
Individuals undertaking this course will be expected to complete both written and practical assessment tasks.
Certificate Renewal Requirements
This certificate has an industry recommended renewal period of 36 months.
Learner Rights, Responsibilities & Support
Please note that enrolment to this course is made with Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909. Please refer to the student handbook located on the RTO website allenstraining.com.au (https://allenstraining.com.au/students/student-handbook) for all details relating to rights and responsibilities including complaints and appeals.
Assessment Activities
Performance tasks and practical scenarios:
Perform CPR on an adult (incl. the use of an AED and placing a casualty into the recovery position)
Complete a first aid incident report form based on the simulated first aid scenario
Perform CPR on a child
Perform CPR on an infant
Manage a child casualty with anaphylaxis
Manage a child casualty with asthma
Manage a choking child and infant casualty
Manage a child casualty with non-life-threatening bleeding and shock, requiring minor wound cleaning
Manage a child casualty with a nosebleed
Manage a child casualty with a fracture and dislocation
Manage a child casualty with a sprain and strain
Manage a child casualty with envenomation (snake/ funnel-web spider bite)
Theory assessment: A written assessment consisting of multiple-choice questions.
This course is delivered and assessed by Kidsaver CPR First Aid Training Pty Ltd on behalf of Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909
COVIDSafe Plan
- All Kidsaver trainers are Registered Nurses who have a high level of knowledge and skills in infection control practices.
- Kidsaver have procedures in place to exclude all staff and participants who may be unwell. We screen both staff and participants before the class asking them to not attend if they:
-are unwell in any way, including any symptoms of fever, shortness of breath, cough or sore throat
-have travelled internationally and/or travelled to Victoria in the past 14 days
-have visited any of the reported case locations listed by NSW Health https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/latest-news-and-updates#latest-covid-19-case-locations-in-nsw
-have been in contact with a known or suspected case of Covid-19 in the past 14 days
-have been directed to self isolate.
- As per our cancellation policy Kidsaver CPR will offer full refunds or transfer of bookings to another class if participants cannot attend due to any of the above.
- If at any time during the class a trainer is concerned that a participant is unwell, they will bring this to the participants attention, ask the COVIDSafe screening questions again and offer a refund or transfer to another class.
- The number of participants at each Kidsaver class will be capped to ensure strict physical distancing can be maintained. The number of participants permitted at each class will differ depending on the venue where the class will be held.
- Physical distancing and the 1 person per 4 square metres rule will be strictly upheld during Kidsaver classes.
- Seats and equipment are positioned to allow for physical distancing. Participants of the same household will be permitted to be seated together.
- Hand sanitiser is provided for trainers and participants throughout the class.
- All staff & participants must use hand sanitiser on entry to the class, on exiting the class and when necessary throughout the duration of the class.
- All equipment including manikins are cleaned and disinfected before and after each class.
- All equipment is for individual use and will not be shared between participants.
- Each participant is provided with their own manikin for the duration of the class. There will be no sharing of manikins during the class unless the manikin is properly cleaned and disinfected by staff.
- People of the same household will be permitted to share equipment.
- Records of all staff and participants are kept for each class. This includes name, emails and contact numbers for a period of at least 28 days in case contact tracing information is needed by NSW Health.
**In addition to Kidsaver’sCOVIDSafe plan, Kidsaver staff & participants will uphold all COVIDSafepolices and procedures of each venue where Kidsaver classes are held.**